Monday, April 09, 2007

Globally Incomprehensible

It’s been a while since I last posted something. What can I say? I have been living quiet a normally exciting life of late. Normal because I have had nothing special going on and Exciting because I have finally got work that keeps me busy and makes me forget how normal things are.

Well now that I cribbed all the time through my posts that I had no work this time I thought I would crib about how much work I got on my hands and how people I don’t even know are trying to jeopardize my job.

Well most part of a project that I am part of is spent reading (I know I never did that when I had to in College and now I have to put up with it. Things you got to do to sponsor your weekend at Haze!!!). But it’s just no ordinary reading. We don’t get a nice little textbook to sit and read rather we have to put up with STANDARDS ( I never understood why they are called so?).

Anyhow people who have a degree in Engineering would have definitely heard of IEEE. Yes it’s that highly overpriced club in your college that you always thought was a waste of time money. I thought that too. But it seems the high honchos at this place somehow had read my mind and planned revenge even before I started going to college.

IEEE as you must know is a standardization institution. It takes up the best of all worlds for a given problem and standardizes the work so that the technology in use all over is the same. (I can’t believe I actually had to put that down. Feels like I am promoting my tormentors).

Anyhow, this standardized works are converted to standards in a standardized format (talk of double standards) and then forwarded to poor designers like us so that we can use them to make a design which meets the specifications listed in the standardized standard (Phew!!!). And that’s where these people not even remotely associated with me make my life a living hell.

Every time I sit with a new set of standards I wonder that how could so much work go into making a thing uniform and absolutely no work goes into making it understandable. It’s as if these people not even paying our salaries have decided that they want to try and prevent us from making a living. Not our employer, but these people who don’t even know who I am have decided that they want me to earn each penny. These people are supposed to make a global standard that everyone could understand. But I think they spend more time figuring out ways on how a person can be made to misinterpret what they are saying. It’s as if they are trying to make things “globally incomprehensible”.

Anyhow got to go now. Need to decipher what these guys have in store for me now. Adios People. Hope to be more regular in next time around.


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